Sunday, December 13, 2009


I have been decorating lately. Mostly the bedroom window. These paper snowflakes are about the funnest things I've ever made!

Here is what the window looks like with the lights off. It makes me VERY happy!
With the lights on. Go make snowflakes! It's so worth it!
Ready to head to school. Tip: put a Kleenex behind your scarf, and when your nose runs, it's trapped in the Kleenex - not the scarf.

This was a fun sight to see... the strike plate was iced over... INSIDE the house. Yeah. This place is just a WEE bit nippy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Some of my Heroes

Oskar Schindler, because he did amazing things.

Gandhi, because he did amazing things.

Hannibal Barca, because he did amazing things.

Amelia Earhart, because she did amazing things.

Richard Halliburton, because he did amazing things!

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, because they did amazing things.

Mom and Dad, because they do amazing things.
