Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Like, wow.

Here is something I overheard someone (male) say on campus last week:

"There's no, like, homework; there's no, like, reading; there's no, like, papers...." And he may have said what there were more no, likes, but we were walking in opposite directions and that's all I heard.

I came THIS close to turning to him and asking one of two questions. 1. What class are you taking that has no homework? and 2. What else is there "no, like"? ("Brain" springs to mind.... but that's rude, so I won't say it.)

Goodness gracious! I think that if "like" were to be suddenly jerked from the typical college student's vocabulary, they wouldn't be able to talk anymore.

Want to sound smarter? Don't say "like"!
