Sunday, December 13, 2009


I have been decorating lately. Mostly the bedroom window. These paper snowflakes are about the funnest things I've ever made!

Here is what the window looks like with the lights off. It makes me VERY happy!
With the lights on. Go make snowflakes! It's so worth it!
Ready to head to school. Tip: put a Kleenex behind your scarf, and when your nose runs, it's trapped in the Kleenex - not the scarf.

This was a fun sight to see... the strike plate was iced over... INSIDE the house. Yeah. This place is just a WEE bit nippy!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Some of my Heroes

Oskar Schindler, because he did amazing things.

Gandhi, because he did amazing things.

Hannibal Barca, because he did amazing things.

Amelia Earhart, because she did amazing things.

Richard Halliburton, because he did amazing things!

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, because they did amazing things.

Mom and Dad, because they do amazing things.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Snowmen Christmas Cards -- COMPLETED!

Okay, I've finished the cards. There are four total. I want to go get some more card makings, because this was ridiculously fun.

I decided to go ahead and use ribbon on two cards. They either have three buttons or two buttons and a ribbon. I'm pleased with how they turned out. :)

I like the simplicity of the no-ribbon cards...

But the ribbons ARE cute....

This one is just double-knotted. I think I like it better than the bow.

This cock-eyed one is my favorite. It was the first one to get three buttons.

Christmas, don't be late!

I am SO ready for Christmas! I had a Thanksgiving-type dinner at my in-laws' on Monday, so at least for me, it is officially Christmas Season! I'm currently enjoying making ADORABLE snowman Christmas cards!

Ain't he cute? I can't decide about the ribbons... it seems like the rest of the card hides behind the ribbon, so I'm considering just leaving it off. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Haircuts, and tacos, and choirs! Oh my!

David was a brave soul last week, and let me cut his hair -- my first time cutting hair. Ever. Oddly enough, I think I was more nervous than he was. If he was nervous at all, he pretended that he wasn't. Probably to keep me from stopping half way through because I was too scared to finish.

Here is the finished product. I was pretty pleased!

This one looks like a mug shot...

I actually cut his hair twice in order to get it to this point. The first time I cut it, I left it pretty long (too long...) because if I messed up too badly, I wanted his mom to have enough hair to work with that she could fix the problems I caused. But it looked alright when I finished, and I was getting confident, so I went ahead and cut it all short. It took a little under an hour, but I got some good practice in, and we had a good time laughing and talking while I cut away. :) He's a very good sport.

I'm really excited about this new skill I am acquiring! It will save a nice little bundle of money over the years, and I am all about that.

In other news: David and I have joined a community choir called "The Turkey Choir." It only performs once, on Thanksgiving Morning. So every Sunday evening we have choir practice. It's a little scary, just because it's my first time in a choir, but the conductor is amazing. He is very good at taking people of all skill levels and getting everyone on the same page. It's impressive to watch him work.

David's band at school had a social last week that we went to. It was fun: we had Mexican food (tacos and burritos) for dinner, there were two pinatas that got beaten to bits, and then we watched a Zorro movie. As it happened, though, not very many people from band showed up, so they had a TON of food left over. They sent David and I home with a huge (10 lbs?) tub of hamburger and a big ol' bag of shredded lettuce. Needless to say, we have been living high on the hog (or cow, rather) since then. I have eaten so many taco salads -- what a lovely experience!

Oh, also, I have been approved for paid Caption training at school! I am stoked! Basically, I get paid to learn a new program that makes it so that I can make word-for-word transcripts of lectures for students with disabilities (especially deaf and hard-of-hearing students), which they can read in real-time, while the teacher is lecturing. I love my job! I get to help people all the time! It's so rewarding!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Old School, part 2

Okay, so I just remembered this and had to add it:

Zoobilee Zoo... oh my gosh. I used to LOVE this show! And yet, I can appreciate why people may find it freaky beyond all reason. It was a little strange...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Kickin' it Old School

Being a kid was awesome. Here are some reasons why:

Who didn't love Reading Rainbow? (besides the kids giving book reviews... I always kind of disliked them)

Gummi Bears was the COOLEST show ever!

DuckTails is probably my favorite, though. CLASSIC!

And who can forget He-Man?! (Skellator was my favorite bad guy ever)

I just felt the need for some Retro awesomeness today.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The First Day of Snow!

There wasn't much of it, but it was pretty... I took pictures while I walked to school.

I love when plants are frosted/snowed over like this!

Those are part of our apartment complex in the back there. We're in the far right building. :)

And that's all! I just like the snow. :D

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Stuff that makes me SMILE!

I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with school/work/housework lately, and as of yesterday I decided that I need to stop focusing on what's stressing me out (that doesn't mean avoiding homework.... though that IS what I'm doing right now... heh!) and start focusing on what makes me smile. As long as I do my best, I'll be okay. So today's blog is mostly for my own benefit: to have an easily accessible list of happy things! Let us begin.

My all-time favorite person ever makes me smile
(Yes, his shirt says "Tall, Dork, and Handsome." I bought it for him. :D)

My newest nephew and his furry pal Grover (my all-time favorite Sesame Street character!) make me smile!

Food Storage makes me smile
(you can tell when we sleep in on Sundays by my lack of mascara)

The Cardboard Cut-Out of Han Solo makes me smile
(For those of you who don't know, it's a frequent Jacobs prank to set up Han in popping-out type places.)

Missouri makes me smile

Fireworks make me smile!
(That was one awesome little noise-maker!)

Buddies make me smile!
(The Little's and The Hudson's on a racquetball double-date)

Living in America (and NOT Zimbabwe--which is the other flag you see) makes me smile
And my shoes also make me smile. I think they're adorable.

My new coffee table makes me smile!
(David's mom made it out of an old under-the-bed drawer set and a closet door. Pretty amazing!)

Making that list made me smile!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


David and I have been enjoying the summer so far. We are especially looking forward to the Missouri Trip this week!! We got the A/C in our van checked out today, David's going to do an oil change and check the tires, and then, come the morning of the 9th, we are headed out! I am excited for the drive. I've staked my claim to drive through Kansas. David is going to take the mountains (poor Geologist that he is, he won't be able to look at the mountains as much as he'd like to while he's driving...) because I am too nervous to do it, and I'm taking the plains because he thinks it is the most horribly boring drive ever. I really like driving in the plains, though. It's so... straight-forward and nice.

I'm trying to get the apartment all nice and clean before we leave, but that's proving difficult with my weeding job. I am working for a lady here in town, weeding out her rock garden areas. It's a lot of work, but really quite a nice job. The one thing that is getting to me is that I've spent the majority of every day this week weeding, so it is stuck in my head and I dream of weeding ALL NIGHT LONG! I am getting so tired of weeding just because I do it all night! So I will be glad when this job is done, but I am also grateful to have it and have enjoyed doing it, especially since David has been hired on as well. It's so much nicer to work with him than without him! It's been a nice job for us.

Speaking of jobs, I have had two job offers this week as a cleaning lady! I'm excited! I may have a part-time job this next semester that I wasn't planning on. That will be kind of nice.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Been a while...

So it's been a while since I've posted. School is getting CRAZY busy, and I'm about ready for this semester to get over. The break between semesters is going to be very busy as well, but it will be a nicer kind of busy. :) I am enjoying school, though, and things are going well.

David and I will be celebrating our 3rd month-aversary on the 11th of this month! We're happy campers, that's for sure! Life is good. Here are some pictures of what we've been up to lately.

Here's David! He likes sugar.... I love this guy! This is his two-week beard. It looks better as a three-week beard, and (oddly enough) I actually like him with a beard. :O I HATE beards!!! But I don't mind his... go figure. :)

David took a picture of me doing dishes. I guess that I so seldom have time to do such homey duties that it was a picture-worthy occasion. ;)

DISCLAIMER: David wants everyone to be sure and know that I made some awesome dinner tonight, and earlier this week as well, and that, as far as he's concerned, I'm the best wife ever. :) He's so nice to me!

We went to the WWII Plane Museum here in town. There were some nifty planes! David and I both have Marine Grandpas, so we were excited about this plane. It was BIG, and had awesome folding wings! So neat!

My personal favorite was the Jelly Belly Plane... heck yes!

Well, that's enough for now. I'll post more soon, though. I have some pictures other recent activities and silliness.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Handmade, wheel thrown pottery wedding present

David and I just got a belated wedding present, and I'm really excited about it, so here are some pictures. This was made by a man in David's old ward who teaches pottery. Nifty stuff!!

This one up above is the best one for what color the thing actually is. It was hard to get this one, because the lighting kept making it look weird.

This is how deep it is.

This makes it look darker than it is, but it's a neat picture. :) This thing is microwave and dishwasher safe. I love my new bowl!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Our Apartment!

I'm really excited about our happy Little apartment! Today we decorated. David has some African wall hangings and a Zimbabwe flag, and his parents gave us a set of four framed pictures of African animals. So we hung up two wall hangings, the flag, and the pictures, and here are some pictures of what we've done. :) I was afraid it would be overbearing, but I think it's nice.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Married life is the best thing ever

I was never one of those young women who pine away during Mutual wondering who they're going to marry and wishing they could find him ASAP... I enjoyed being single... but holy cow, I love being married!!

Here are some of the pictures we've taken over the past week or so... living with David is awesome. We laugh all the time. Even with all the homework I have to do, we find time to goof around and just be crazy -- it's so great!

I like those pictures of David... he's one heck of a good-lookin' guy! And NICE! In the picture with the potholder, he was snacking on a sandwich while he made dinner. He's the nicest guy!

He and I went to Walmart today and I wanted to get some flipflops. So while we were looking for those, I saw these awesome little tennis shoes. So I went ahead and tried them on. David said "I really like those! They look good on you." So we went ahead and got them (Yay!). Then as we got home and I said something about loving my "cute new shoes" he said "I thought you were really cute in them..." !!!!!!! He is adorable! And he says stuff like that all the time! I have the best husband ever. He makes me feel like the cutest, smartest, most amazing person ever. (and THAT'S always a nice feeling!) :)

He took this picture, too. He makes me feel good about being me!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Little = Cute, fun, awesome

It's true. Think about it. Baby socks? Cutest things ever! Mini-Pringles are WAY more fun to eat than normal-sized Pringles. Being Little is just awesome all around.

So this is my blog of randomness. We'll see how well I keep up with it...

I'm out of things to say already. But I'm awful smiley!!
