Saturday, October 3, 2009

Stuff that makes me SMILE!

I've been feeling a little overwhelmed with school/work/housework lately, and as of yesterday I decided that I need to stop focusing on what's stressing me out (that doesn't mean avoiding homework.... though that IS what I'm doing right now... heh!) and start focusing on what makes me smile. As long as I do my best, I'll be okay. So today's blog is mostly for my own benefit: to have an easily accessible list of happy things! Let us begin.

My all-time favorite person ever makes me smile
(Yes, his shirt says "Tall, Dork, and Handsome." I bought it for him. :D)

My newest nephew and his furry pal Grover (my all-time favorite Sesame Street character!) make me smile!

Food Storage makes me smile
(you can tell when we sleep in on Sundays by my lack of mascara)

The Cardboard Cut-Out of Han Solo makes me smile
(For those of you who don't know, it's a frequent Jacobs prank to set up Han in popping-out type places.)

Missouri makes me smile

Fireworks make me smile!
(That was one awesome little noise-maker!)

Buddies make me smile!
(The Little's and The Hudson's on a racquetball double-date)

Living in America (and NOT Zimbabwe--which is the other flag you see) makes me smile
And my shoes also make me smile. I think they're adorable.

My new coffee table makes me smile!
(David's mom made it out of an old under-the-bed drawer set and a closet door. Pretty amazing!)

Making that list made me smile!

1 comment:

  1. Hi my Liz! I miss you, and like your cute little list. LITTLE LIST! Ha. Ok, enough with the "little" jokes. Ok, not really. I'll make them forever apparently.

